He sailed from island to island
Never setting ashore, nor
Dropping anchor in spite of
Inviting coves of clear water,
Reefs teeming with color, and the
Enticing calls of undisturbed wildlife.
She sported a cutter rig, her twin
Jibs imitating the harmony of twins
So identical they could finish
Each other’s thoughts and sense
When one was in danger.
The islands were clustered close to
One another like multiple peaks on
The same mountain range, and were,
No doubt, welded in the depths by
The fiery passion of Aganju and Pelé.
Many but One.
Each island seemed to him to be like the last,
Each a forbidding, beckoning paradise of
Wondrous danger.
He did not know why he at last
Anchored in this cove that resembled all others;
Until, emerging from the rain forest,
The tall image of himself – his twin –
identical except in height –
He had never known of him,
Yet was oddly not surprised at his existence,
As if he had somehow known all along.
Surprised by how much taller he was,
Yet otherwise alike in
Countenance, gait, and voice.
Immediate recognition and trust as the taller
Brother called out from the shore to
His diminutive self on board,
“This island! Explore this island!”
And so, the adventure begins.
