Dr. Larry Taylor is a compassionate, spiritual leader who is able to encourage, support and guide people to the place they want to be. Larry is a deeply thoughtful and caring person who is passionate about helping people. Larry's passion comes from his own experiences that took him to those dark places where people can go and often don't return. But through faith, knowledge and love of God Larry was able to see himself out and is now focused to help others do the same. He is a champion for all. Larry is always seeking new experiences and knowledge to grow and develop so he can be the best spiritual leader, educator and life coach he can be, all to be of service to others.
Larry is one of the smartest, caring, funny and honest (truth tellers) that I know and his spiritual guidance and effectiveness as a life coach is invaluable to anyone willing and open to seek it. He will not leave you during the journey.
Most of all he is a believer in God. One of Larry's favorite sayings is “God loves you and so do I." This is reflected in all that he does when dealing with people of all backgrounds who may be wounded and in need. If you are seeking introspection, growth and healing then Larry is an excellent choice. Larry has been a confidant, friend and prayer warrior to me and I cannot speak more highly or make a more confident recommendation of a life coach and spiritual leader to help with getting your life and spirit unstuck.
Holly Mundon, MSW, LCSW, MLS
Dr. Larry Taylor is an incredible spiritual director. Quite frankly because of Larry I’ve been able to operate with more efficacy as a community reconciler and lead pastor of Landmark Church of Alexandria.
Larry has both an intuitive and academic professionalism that makes him a unique spiritual director. The gentleness and deliberate approach to getting quickly to what is under the surface of my personal pain is so liberating.
I can’t imagine what it would be like if Dr. Larry wasn’t my spiritual director. I can truly say that being unstuck is a process and his method and process is working extremely well.
Elwood Jones, Pastor
Larry’s mentorship is wise, earnest, and contemplative. He holds space with an open heart and is not quick to dismiss differing opinions. One thing I particularly appreciate about Larry is his acceptance and affirmation of LGBTQ+ individuals. He has made a mindful effort to understand and support lifestyles that are different than his own, honors the community with a nonjudgmental attitude, and is careful to use correct pronouns and names. Spiritually, my experience of Larry is that he places the importance of love above any dogma, which makes him easy to talk to—although his in-depth knowledge of biblical studies is no joke! Larry is a wealth of knowledge and kindness, and I am grateful to have him as a part of my life.
Erin Houchin, LCSW Therapist
Larry Taylor is an empath, an extraordinary healer, an encourager, a very talented and creative poet, and a genuinely deeply spiritual man. Most of all he understands and cares deeply because he knows what it is like to be a cracked open soul who has had more than his fair share of emotional bleeding and grieving. I am convinced that his consistent spiritual guidance and his gentle emotional support helped to keep me alive during a hopelessly dark time in my life. I cannot recommend any more highly. He is an insightful, caring, highly effective Life Coach and Spiritual healer. He will get your spirit unstuck!
Mark Smith, LCSW