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Writer's pictureLawrence Taylor

Unlocking Spiritual Breakthroughs: a Journey into Truth

Things cruise along, business as usual, until there’s a paradigm-shifting breakthrough.

It was assumed humans could not fly until the Wright brothers demonstrated otherwise. It was generally accepted that the speed of sound was impossible to exceed until Charles Yeager did it. People could only go so deep in the ocean without being crushed until the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute built a submersible called Alvin. Every breakthrough in science, technology, or medicine opens new vistas that accelerate the field of knowledge and advance humankind.

Something similar can happen spiritually. Whether we articulate our journey as a quest for meaning, a longing to authentically integrate the true Self, be one with the universe, enlightenment, or to be more intimately connected to God, there are invariably paradigm-shifting breakthroughs along the way. Invariable, that is, if we are relentless seekers. Sudden bursts of insight, a numinous awareness, a series of conversions, will rock our worldview and change our lives if we embrace them.

Spiritually enlightening experiences occur daily to the attentive seeker, but the earth-shattering, mind-altering, paradigm-shifting experiences are very rare. They cannot be forced or willed into reality. They come unexpectantly and serendipitously from something or someone beyond us. Neither are they random. They come to people wholeheartedly seeking Truth, Self, the Divine.

They come to the genuine seeker individually and after collaboration with others. All creative types – scientists, engineers, musicians, poets, artists, etc. – are better in groups. Think of the music that came out of Laurel Canyon and Greenwich Village in the 1960s, or the books produced by the writers in Paris in the 1920s. Artists colonies in Byrdcliffe, Taos, and Provincetown gave us innovative beauty. Even reclusive types like Thomas Merton and Julian of Norwich interacted in community, listening to others and reading widely.

When people who are seriously seeking ultimate truth get together after they have individually poured themselves into contemplation, divine reading, deep prayer and meditation, sparks ignite. Very occasionally, the divine breath coaxes the sparks into flames. Sudden, wondrous, ineffable, numinous awareness grips us. We are challenged, shifted, upended. We can no longer remain as we were. Some of the beliefs and worldviews we championed shatter. Deconstruction ensues. It is painful, but if we persist, a more complete and beautiful self emerges.

Spiritual direction is all about two individuals journeying together into the depths of the Divine Heart. The psalmist spoke of dwelling, abiding, living in the hidden heart of YHWH (Psalm 91) and the joy of journeying with others into God’s presence (Psalm 122). Like collaborating musicians, scientists, or artists, we feed off one another’s insights. Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). We both come out better.

Sadly, relatively few people have a passion to plumb the depths of the divine. Most religious people are content with the status quo – some have just enough religion to be obnoxious; others compartmentalize their faith to keep it safely away from their politics and businesses.

But there are the rare few who passionately and desperately want to know God, Self, Truth, Love. It is these with whom I have deep connectedness.

To learn more about the journey of spiritual direction, consider

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