Eighty-foot-long King of the Seas

, sperm-whale, Physeter macrocephalus
Must live in the depths, diving over 7,000 feet,
Doing battle with forty-foot giant squids,
Swallowing sharks and rays and fish
The largest toothed predator on the planet.
There in the depths where light cannot penetrate
Where pressure would crush man and beast,
The giant communes alone with the darkness
Echolocating to find his way
In solitude and contemplation, undisturbed,
Unthreatened, One with all Creation
Yet, he must surface as well, gulping in huge
Volumes of air, filling giant lungs,
Playfully slapping his flukes, riding
The waves under the warming sun
He cannot live without diving
He cannot live without surfacing.
And I, like the whale must at regular
Intervals, dive into the depths of mystery,
For there I find sustenance
And I, like the whale must at regular
Intervals, surface into ordinary life,
For it is there I find connectedness.